Skyler Stinson
Influence of biological soil crust on the germination, establishment, and growth of two native plant species in comparison to one exotic plant species.
Influence of biological soil crust on the germination, establishment, and growth of two native plant species in comparison to one exotic plant species.
Join Mariana and her classmates from Las Cruces, New Mexico, as they take a field trip to the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park. Mariana is concerned that she won’t be able to find anything interesting about the desert to tell her Eco Pen Pals from French Polynesia and the Pacific Northwest. However, after a series of
One Day in the Desert Read More »
The EcoTrends Editorial Committee sorted through vast amounts of historical and ongoing data from 50 long-term research sites in the United States and Antarctica to present in a logical format the variables commonly collected. This work provides cross-site comparisons of ecological responses to global change drivers, as well as long-term trends in global change drivers
Walter G. Whitford Professor Emeritus, New Mexico State University Collaborating Scientist, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range To download the entire book in PDF format, click here (35.1 MB) Foreword: Several students suggested that I write a book summarizing what I had learned about the workings of our desert in southern New Mexico. After retiring from the
Exploring a Desert: Experiences of an Ecologist/Naturalist in a New Mexico Desert Read More »
In 2006 scientists working in the Jornada basin published a book that synthesized much of the research conducted in this basin during the 20th century. This synthesis volume was published as a contribution to the Long-Term Ecological Research Network series through Oxford University Press. Individual PDF copies of each chapter of this book are provided