We are so proud of postdoctoral researcher Cameron Duquette and MS student Taylor Hansen for representing the Jornada LTER at the 2022 New Mexico Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. The 75th SRM Annual Meeting was in Albuquerque, NM from February 6-10th and featured workshops, symposia, and poster sessions.
Cameron Duquette (pictured) presented a poster titled “Modeling of the drivers of thresholds in vegetation cover change in an arid grassland” which featured the research of Cameron, Niall Hanan, and Brandon Bestelmeyer.
Taylor Hansen gave a presentation titled “Satellite estimates of grass productivity in a heterogeneous Southwestern Rangeland”, which showcased the work of Taylor, Lara Prihodko, Dennis Dye, Niall Hanan, Wenjie Ji, and Julius Anchang.