Corey Nelson
The symbiotic foundation of biocrust microbiomes and its application in ecological restoration
The symbiotic foundation of biocrust microbiomes and its application in ecological restoration
Understanding cross-scale interactions in the basin, providing process-based explanations of phenomena occurring across heterogeneous landscapes, and characterizing hydrologic connectivity in a semi-arid ecosystem
Estimating biological soil crust cover in the Chihuahuan desert using hyperspectral remote sensing from unmanned aerial vehicles
The importance of coupled herbivore-climate interactions in triggering and reinforcing shrub encroachment processes
In preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), Niall Hanan and collaborators reviewed the current literature on dryland systems and their role in future climate management. Drylands cover around 40% of the Earth’s land surface, but that percentage is expected to grow as the bioclimatic conditions that support drylands have become more prevalent. In fact, drylands already have
Is there a Role for Drylands in a Carbon Neutral World? Read More »