Ryan Schroeder
Advisor: Akasha Faist
My name is Ryan Schroeder, I am a PhD student at New Mexico State University working with Dr. Akasha Faist in the Dept. of Animal and Range Sciences. My research focuses on soil seed banks – specifically, how soil properties influence rangeland soil seed banks and how soil seed bank information can be incorporated into rangeland management/restoration. I received my undergraduate degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Science from Purdue University and my master’s in Ecology at Colorado State University. At Colorado State University I worked under Dr. Mark Paschke in the Restoration Ecology Lab where I worked with the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to better understand the soil seed bank composition of degraded shrublands and it's potential impact on ecological restoration (https://mountainscholar.org/bitstream/handle/10217/208431/Schroeder_colostate_0053N_15910.pdf?sequence=1). I am an active member in the Soil Science Society of America, Society for Ecological Restoration, and Society of Rangeland Management, as well as being active on science twitter @SeedyRanges! I’m a bit of a plant nut (don’t get me started on plant puns), an avid outdoorsman, and dad to my awesome red heeler named Chispa (Spanish for "Spark")!