Curtis Monger

Curtis Monger

Title & Affiliation(s):

  • National Leader for Soil Survey Standards, USDA-NRCS, Natl Soil Survey Center

Primary Research Interests:

  • Geomorphology

Selected Publications:

  • Monger HC, Sala OE, Duniway MC, Goldfus H, Meir IA, Poch RM, Throop HL, and Vivoni ER. 2015. Legacy effects in linked ecological–soil–geomorphic systems of drylands. Front Ecol Environ. 13: 13–19. doi: 10.1890/140269.
  • Rachal DM, Monger HC, Okin GS, Peters DPC. 2012. Landform influences on the resistance of grasslands to shrub encroachment, Northern Chihuahuan Desert, USA. J Maps. 8: 507-513
  • Weems SL, and Monger HC. 2012. Banded vegetation-dune formation in the Medieval Warm Period and 20 th Century, Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA. Ecosphere. 3: 1-16
  • Monger HC, Cole DR, Buck BJ, Gallegos RA. 2009. Scale and the isotopic record of C 4 plants in pedogenic carbonate: from the biome to the rhizosphere. Ecology. 90:1498-1511.
  • Monger HC, and Bestelmeyer BT. 2006. The soil-geomorphic template and biotic change in arid and semiarid ecosystems. J Arid Environ. 65: 207-218.

Synergistic Activities:

  • Member: International Union of Soil Science Working Group Universal Soil Classification
  • Chair: North American Pillar 5, Global Soil Partnership
  • Recipient: U.S. National Cooperative Soil Survey Achievement Award
  • Associate Editor: Arid Land Research and Management, SSSAJ, Spanish J Soil Sci.