Physical Samples and Specimens

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The Jornada research programs have a long history of the collection of physical samples and biological specimens. Some of these materials have been preserved and accessioned into museum or natural history collections, and some are held in “informal” collections in lab cabinets, freezers, and other storage facilities managed by Jornada researchers. We are in the process of cataloging these collections to the best of our ability, and we are seeking out partners in the museum and collections-management community to ensure long-term sustainability and availability of useful materials. Below are a few collections, with their current status and relevant contact information listed.

  • Aeolian dust samples recovered from BSNE collectors. Contact John Anderson and Greg Okin (,
  • Mesquite and Creosote litter samples collected in the 1980s. Contact John Anderson (
  • Plant voucher specimens are held in a variety of regional herbaria which are indexed by SEINnet system. See this saved query.
  • Animal voucher specimens – held at NMSU and other museums. More information to come – contact Greg Maurer for details (
  • Invertebrate voucher specimens – held at NMSU museums, the Museum of Southwestern Biology, and others. More information to come – contact Greg Maurer for details (
  • The NEON observatory collects a range of physical an biological samples at its study area in the Jornada Basin. See this NEON Biorepository query.